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2011 NZAA Presidents Annual Report

It is once again my pleasure to present to you my Annual President’s Report. Our newsletters have detailed the numerous outstanding individual performances and achievements of many of our top students and talented professional accordionists, both here in NZ and on the international stage. From concert performances, shows and competition successes to the numerous CD releases, you have all highlighted the versatility of the Accordion and I sincerely thank you for the huge contribution you make to maintaining the high profile of our instrument in this country.

Following is a summary of other significant activities during the past year.

On Sunday 19 September, the Allan William Jones Memorial Scholarship afternoon was held at the newly refurbished Brian Gerrard Theatre at Birkenhead College on Auckland’s North Shore. The variety programme included performances by Musicale, Notable Soundz, Patrick Liu, Jessica Chen, Eastern Quintet, Music Makers, Eddie Giffney and the North Shore Accordion Orchestra.

Scholarships were awarded to Helen Wang (Grades 3 and 4), and Eddie Giffney (Grades 7, 8 and Diploma). The Douglas Mews Rosebowl “for excellence” was presented to Eddie Giffney. The 2010 NZAA Merit Award was presented with popular acclaim, to Lionel Reekie.

At a function on 27 October at the Pumphouse on Auckland’s North Shore in a fitting tribute to a lifetime contribution to music, Gary Daverne was presented with the prestigious “Benny Award” – the highest honour that can be bestowed on any New Zealand entertainer. For 35 years, Gary has been the Music Director and Conductor of the popular Auckland Symphony Orchestra. Gary was also presented with the “Companion of North Shore City Award” for exceptional service to the North Shore community.

Today, Gary is one of NZs most honoured and recognised international composers and conductors, having conducted many of the world’s leading orchestras. Gary, a life member of the NZAA, has also been a huge supporter and contributor to the Accordion, with numerous original Accordion compositions and arrangements, played around the world, and including Couple Mondiale music, as well as directing and conducting numerous accordion orchestras, including the 2009 Coupe Mondiale World Orchestra and the NZ 40th Anniversary massed orchestra.

On October 27 the Variety Artists Club honoured Lionel Reekie, presenting him with their “Scroll of Honour” for his commitment to developing the potential of young musicians and his dedication to the NZ Accordion Association. They acknowledged his achievements and saluted his dedication to his profession. On behalf of the NZAA, I would like to add my congratulations to Lionel for receiving this award, and to thank him for the significant contribution he continues to make to the advancement of the Accordion.

On Sunday 18 April, a special dinner was held to celebrate the actual date that the NZAA was established 40 years ago. The dinner was held at the Brigham Restaurant in Hobsonville, with most present committee members attending. Much to everyone’s amusement Heather read us several extracts from the minutes of the committee meetings held around the time the decision was made to establish a new organisation and which graphically illustrated the frustration and antagonism that led to the formation of the NZAA. Fittingly, a 40th Anniversary celebration cake was cut by three of the people mentioned in the reading of those minutes – Marie Jones, Dorothy Taylor and myself.

Unfortunately the day trip to the Dargaville Museum, planned for Sunday 29 March has had to be postponed until Sunday 25 March next year, 2012, due to a display destined for Christchurch unable to be moved in the short term as a result of the devastating earthquakes. Kevin Friedrich has booked the museum’s Exhibition Room to display numerous items of memorabilia relating to the history of the Accordion in NZ, in honour of the NZAA’s 40th Anniversary.

The 2011 NZ and South Pacific Accordion Championships and Festival, held over Queen’s Birthday weekend (June 4 and 5), was especially significant as it marked the 40th Anniversary of the formation of the NZ Accordion Association. With competitor entries holding at a similar level to last year’s, a successful competition event was assured. However, in celebration of our 40th Anniversary milestone, we added an increased focus on the festival component of the programme.

Saturday’s programme included an afternoon concert featuring NZ’s very own World Champion Accordionist, Grayson Masefield. The first half of his concert was a 40 minutes programme of classical music, followed by a 2nd half programme of variety entertainment music. Grayson wowed the large, appreciative audience with his mastery of diverse music genres and they responded with a standing ovation in acknowledgement of this young concert virtuoso.

During the interval of Grayson’s concert, the names of all our past NZ Champions were read out and those attending enthusiastically acknowledged by the audience for their important contribution and commitment in achieving NZ Champion status.

The Sunday afternoon Farewell Concert commenced with the reading of the names of all NZAA Life Members and also the names of NZ Orchestra Championship winning conductors, many of whom were in attendance and acknowledged by the audience. The programme commenced with the NZAA 40th Anniversary Orchestra conducted by Gary Daverne, and especially formed for the celebration event. The programme also included a performance by an orchestra comprised solely of past NZ Champions. Other performances included the South Pacific Championship winners - Marina Jin (12 years and under), Jessica Jin (15 years and under) Campbell Thwaites (NZ and South Pacific Champion), a duet by Jessica Chen and George Xu, Maurice Jones joined by daughter Alana, much to the delight of everyone, Eddie Giffney, Andrew Glover, NSAO, and a very memorable duet performance by Kevin Friedrich and Lionel Reekie.

During the concert I had the pleasure on behalf of the NZAA, of presenting to Kevin Friedrich the NZAA Life-Time Achievement Award for his service and dedication as CIA President for the past eight years, for his efforts in promoting the Accordion and for his outstanding representation of the NZ Accordion movement on an international scale.

I also had the pleasure of introducing Wallace Ligget who presented us with an overview of his update of the “History of the Accordion in NZ”, the book he was commissioned by the NZAA to research and write. After some 18 years since the book was written, the book was a little out of date so Wallace has now researched and compiled many notable events that have occurred since the original book was released in 1993, to record them for history. The NZAA felt it was timely for this update to be released this year, being the 40th Anniversary of the foundation of the NZAA.

Following his overview, I then had the pleasure of presenting Wallace with an NZAA Life Membership Award in recognition of all he has accomplished with the Accordion and as an acknowledgement of the huge contribution he has made over many years.

Towards the conclusion of the afternoon’s programme, I was surprised, humbled, but delighted, when Kevin Friedrich came on stage to present me with the “CIA Honoured Friend of the Accordion” award. I sincerely thank the CIA for considering me for the award and for Kevin’s kind words in presenting it to me on behalf of the CIA. It is something I will always treasure and it will hang proudly on my study wall.

The final scene of this memorable weekend was played out at the Sorrento Function Centre on Sunday evening. The venue was filled to capacity and enjoyed by all. Trophies were presented to the South Pacific Championship Class winners and the 2011 Special Awards presented to their recipients:

  • Samantha Rutherford Memorial Trophy - Bor Kwan Song
  • Cecil Smith Trophy - Amy Jennings
  • Cocorullo Family Trophy - Shane Adams and Dorothy Taylor
  • Doreen and Ben Emmett Memorial Rosebowl - Eddie Giffney
  • Emmett Family Classical Ensemble Trophy - George Xu and Jessica Chen
  • Ben Emmett Accordion Orchestra Commendation Trophy - past NZ Champion Orchestra

Of special significance for me was Harley’s presentation to me on behalf of the NZAA, of a plaque acknowledging 28 years of Presidency, together with a CD of some of my early recordings, digitally re-mastered. Both I will treasure.

As you are aware, this has been my final year as NZAA President and after 28 years in the role, it is time to hand the baton over to someone else. During this time I have accumulated many memories of highlights achieved by the NZAA. I have met so many wonderful people dedicated to the Accordion and have witnessed the growth and development of numerous young accordionists as they have progressed through the ranks to become high achievers in music.

As I pass on the baton to my successor, I acknowledge that these are difficult times for many and there are many challenges that organisations such as ours face in this climate, but I leave with the reassurance and confidence that the NZAA is in good heart, with a sound financial base to ensure financial stability for the future growth of the organisation, and a committed group of people dedicated to guiding it forward into the future.

I thank you all for the confidence you have displayed in endorsing my leadership of the NZAA for the past 28 years, and especially thank all those who have served on our committees during this time. Your support and commitment has been exceptional and critical in keeping our organisation moving forward in a positive direction.

John Statham
New Zealand Accordion Association

Note from NZAA Secretary: John Statham received an enthusiastic standing ovation for his final Presidents Report.

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